Tools for Google Maps 3.42 Patched APK

Download Tools for Google Maps 3.42 Patched APK - Selamat datang di, Pada post kali ini admin membagikan Tools for Google Maps 3.42 Patched APK untuk anda pengunjung blog, Tenang saja Admin sudah menyediakan file Tools for Google Maps 3.42 Patched APK di ahir postingan ini. mudah-mudahan ini berguna untuk kalian semua.

Discription :Tools for Google Maps or Toolmaps is an application for
highlight, edit and capture Google Maps
Maps of Google maps are displayed in full screen mode or in immersive mode without any object to interfere
+ Direct menu to take a snapshot of the maps using the whole screen.
+ address search
+ supports all Google Maps gesture commands
+ from the side menu allows to switch to different display modes: normal, satellite, hybrid, terrain
+ options to activate the compass, 3D buildings, transit, indoor maps
+ One touch to enter / exit full screen mode

Screen Shots

 Outils pour Google Maps – Vignette de la capture d'écran

Get It On GooglePlay
Supported Android Version
{4.0 and up} :-
Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4), Jelly Bean(4.1–4.3.1), KitKat (4.4–4.4.4), Lollipop (5.0–5.0.2) or UP

Download Tools for Google Maps 3.42 Patched APK Here



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